
Reaction to "Perception Of Self" by Fisher

 In his essay, Fisher looks at "perception" from many different angles. According to him, perception requires a minimum of three elements: a perceiving person, an object of perception, and an inferred interpretation or meaning that is the outcome of the perceptual act. People's perception is based on their past experience, belief, attitude, and value, and therefore no perception is objective. Furthermore, information for interpreting an object at one time is limited, and perception tries to fill in the blank of the information missing: all of them make our perception inaccurate. 
 It was interesting to me to know that perception is very personal. I could find the link between "perception" and "intercultural communication". People from different cultures have different background, past experience, and therefore beliefs, attitudes and value. All of these elements make us different, sometimes causing conflicts. As I read off both "Stumbling Blocks" by Barna and This essay, they reminded me of the importance that we mustn't take anything for granted, and keep us open-minded. 

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